Who we are

We are Solidcore employees united to create a safe, equitable, and inclusive workplace for all.


Our vision is that every Solidcore coach, manager, and employee has access to: employment benefits, a fair and equitable workplace, employer checks and balances, environmental health and safety, competitive compensation, and fair hiring practices.


Increase COVID-19 protections for all employees, contractors, and the community

On July 1, 2020 Solidcore United submitted a letter of demands to leadership after studios throughout the country were reopened, and the health and safety of coaches, employees, and clients was put at risk. The letter demands new policies and procedures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic that not only adhere to government regulations, but abide by now well-established scientific recommendations and allow Solidcore to ensure healthy spaces for staff and clients alike.


Corporate Leadership Reform

We are calling for Anne Mahlum, Solidcore Founder and CEO, to step down immediately from her position in response to the recent Buzzfeed article confirming allegations of harassment and abuse. Should Anne refuse to step down we hope that the Solidcore Board - which includes Peterson Partners executives and Mr. Dave Grissen - will vote to save the integrity of the company and to protect its workers. We condemn their inaction thus far.

This request is being made out of love for Solidcore, deep desire to see it succeed, and belief that all coaches, managers, and employees deserve a safe, inclusive, and equitable working environment. This cannot be achieved under current leadership, which has “created a culture of fear, body-shaming, racial microaggressions, and sexual harassment.” We hope to ultimately work with a reformed leadership, not against it, toward our vision.

On August 20, 2020, Anne Mahlum gave a public statement regarding the Buzzfeed article.


1099 IC Classification of Coaches


“We are excited to announce that we'll be converting our 1099 coaches to employees by the start of Q2 2021. We're doing this because we've heard from you through the Coach Council that you want the opportunity to grow with the company and earn additional benefits such as health insurance. Additionally, as we return to growth and enter more markets with disparate employment laws, having our coaches all classified as employees will ensure equity and operational consistency across the company”.

Coach Compensation Reform

coming soon

Our Story

When the studios in Washington, D.C. reopened on June 22nd 2020, it was clear to many coaches and employees that the proper COVID related protections for coaches, clients, and the community were not in place.

After bringing our concerns to leadership through the “proper channels” it became evident that coaches, managers, and employees needed a formal means of advocating for ourselves without fear of retaliation or retribution - not just around COVID-19 issues but beyond.

Together we are working for fair compensation, safe working conditions, and an inclusive environment in which all people feel valued, respected, and have access to the same opportunities.